

Arizona Fire and Burn Educators Association was formed in June of 1987 as a 501.c(3) Non-Profit Corporation by a small group of dedicated professionals to assist those assigned to the educational duties of fire departments around the state of Arizona. These visionaries set goals to establish educational displays, standardization of training for and certification of Public Educators, topic specific seminars to meet the needs of communities and publication of a regular updated of free or inexpensive resources. These goals have been met and exceeded.

Will you come along with us?

The cost to become a member of Arizona Fire and Burn Educators Association is only $40 per year. There is no better deal for professionals who present  Fire and Life Safety messages.  Membership is on an individual basis only.  No department memberships are available.

Get Involved

In the quest to remain on the leading edge of our field, AFBEA maintains a substantial list of committees. Some of these are constant, such as the our DSW Conference Committee, Training Committee and the Grant Committees, but many are interim committees, set up to review operations, investigate new opportunities, or develop new funding, etc. These various committees allow our membership to be an integral part of the inner workings of the Association. Without the input of our membership, we can do nothing. If you are interested in participating in one of our special committees, please contact us.