
The Arizona Fire and Burn Educators Association is committed to assisting the communities of the State of Arizona in promoting fire and life safety education.  In support of the mission, AFBEA:

Provides the public of all ages and abilities with the appropriate  behaviors to prevent fire or life safety hazards.

Effectively educates them in the skills necessary to protect themselves and others when confronted with a fire or life safety hazard.

Who we are ... 

 Arizona Fire and Burn Educators Association was formed in June 1987 as a 501.c(3) Non-Profit Organization by a small group of dedicated professionals to assist those assigned to the educational duties of fire departments around the state of Arizona.  These visionaries set goals to establish educational displays for events, standardization of training for and certification of Public Educators, topic-specific seminars to meet the needs of communities, and references to free or inexpensive resources.

Today, AFBEA supports the continuing education requirements of fire and life safety educators in Arizona and across the United States.  Their dedication to providing an avenue to share innovative programs and earn certifications locally has been an important asset to the Southwest, especially when training and travel budgets have dwindled to nothing.

Our Mission

The Arizona Fire and Burn Educators Association is committed to assisting the communities of the State of Arizona in promoting fire and life safety education.  In support of the mission, AFBEA does the following:


In the quest to remain on the leading edge of our field, AFBEA maintains a substantial list of committees.  Some of these are constant such as the our two Conference Committees, Training Committee and the Grant Committees, but many are interim committees, set up to review operations, investigate new opportunities, or develop new funding, etc.  These various committees allow our membership to be an integral part of the inner workings of the Association.  Without the input of our membership, we can do nothing.

Officers & Representatives

Lori Stauffer


Scottsdale Fire Department


Veronica Rubio

Vice President

Northwest Fire District


Jamie Michler


Surprise Fire & Medical


Tanja Tanner



Past President, 

 AZ Fire School Training Committee & NFPA Public Education Network  representative  

Goodyear Fire Department

Kirk Webb

Training Committee Chair

Navajo County Emergency Management


Dr. Jeffrey Thomas

 NFPA 1030 - Committee Representative 

Ottawa University